During the Covid -19 physical distancing requirements Auravale Alpacas is trying something new!!
We have set up a You Tube Channel and over the next several weeks will post different aspects of alpaca care.
To start, we have posted 3 short videos on “How to Trim Alpaca Toenails”. Hope you find this helpful and apologies for our amateur skills at presenting but I think you will get the gist of what we are trying to communicate.
Here is the link:- Auravale Alpaca You Tube Channel
You can also find us by typing “Auravale Alpacas” into the search bar of You Tube.
For further information you can refer to our About Alpaca page, section 7 Health and Husbandry.
One thing to remember if you accidentally cut the toenail too short and it bleeds, don’t stress! If possible spray with an antiseptic solution and just leave it. I am warning you they do bleed profusely but I have never had one get infected. The bleeding stops in a few minutes and the alpaca seems none the worse for wear. Learn by your mistake and cut them a little longer next time.
Toenails should be clipped about 3-4 times per year. If you cannot manage to cut them they do grow long, curl over and mostly break off. However sometimes they may grow long and rather than break off, they curl around and cut into the foot – this must be attended to. If you are having problems please contact me and I can arrange to help you.