The delight of Herbert “Herbie”

On the 29th October Nic spotted a cria in the paddock!!

Our lovely Jolimont Giovanni girl Fleur had been mated to Wyndarra Designer and given birth to a male cria.  He had obviously been born earlier in the day and by the time we found him was lively and surrounded by all the girls who were very pleased for the distraction.  It has been an abundant spring and I think they were all sick of eating beautiful fresh, long grass!

Herbie loves a scratch

..and a cuddle












From the very first meeting it was obvious Herbie was a character and loved us all.  We are teaching him to respect us humans and have good manners at all times!!!

I hope you enjoy these photos.

Herbie’s birth day

With his Mum Fleur







Sharing a cuddle

He was very good whilst waiting for Mummy to be shorn

He has such a beautiful soft nose which he pokes everywhere




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